Podcasting has experienced a real boom in the past few years, and sometimes it seems like anyone and everyone has had a try at the mike. I'm here for it! It means you can find a podcast about almost anything these days. I love listening to podcasts when working in the studio or when Bixby and I go on long walks. Here are some of my favourite art-related listens:
Art + Magic
Hosted by artist Devon Walz, Art + Magic shares resources, discussions and honest conversations about making art and being an artist. Devon is so insightful, and I really love the way her podcast seems to know exactly what internal creative struggle has been on my mind. I haven't heard a new episode in a long time, but I'm crossing my fingers that Devon will be back with more insightful episodes. In the meantime, there is a catalogue of thirty-six older episodes for you to check out.
I Like Your Work
Hosted by the charismatic artist Erika B. Hess, the I Like Your Work podcast supports artists, creates community, and provides opportunities and resources. Listen to interviews with all sorts of creative people, from painters and artists to collectors and curators. Erika's got a great laugh, and she's an excellent host who knows how to give her guests the space to speak and also how to keep an interview on track and flowing. Episodes of I Like Your Work always motivate me to get back into the studio and get working! This podcast has FIVE seasons, and I'm still catching up on old episodes I've missed.
The Savvy Painter Podcast
Antrise Wood, the host of The Savvy Painter Podcast, is an artist and a creative coach. Antrise has a great way of calling out our creative hangups and providing constructive insights into how we can work past them. I often listen to episodes of The Savvy Painter Podcast twice so that I can take detailed notes in my journal. Never miss an episode!
Thriving Artists Podcast
As a previous member of the Thrive Together Network for Artists (previously THRIVE Art Studio), I've been listening to the Thriving Artists Podcast for a long time! With the recent partnering up of hosts Jamie Smith and Kaylan Buteyn, the podcast has taken on the format of quick and practical tips and takeaways for artists' creative practice and art business. I really appreciate the new format and look forward to the episodes every week. There's always something great to reflect on after listening to an episode!
The host of the Art2Life podcast, Nicholas Wilton, is an artist and the founder of the Art2Life programs and workshops. Nicholas' approach to coaching creatives prioritizes vulnerability and authenticity. He teaches listeners to seek out wonder within the creative process and be true to themselves - and he's REALLY good at it. Be forewarned, if you check out the Art2Life podcast, there's a good chance that you'll soon be interested in one of the great programs or workshops that Nicholas also offers.
Bonus! Non-Art Related Podcasts!
Sometimes (often-times), I just want something completely unrelated to art that I can listen to while I paint. These do the trick.
Tooth & Claw
I love to learn about all things nature and animals, so I'd have to say that Tooth & Claw podcast is a new favourite of mine. This one has me looking like an idiot, smiling and laughing to myself on my walks with Bixby. Delivering stories of wild animal encounters, hosts Wes Larson, Jeff Larson, and Mike Smith provide listeners with tons of factual information alongside a lot of humour and some endearingly nerdy pop culture references. Episodes usually run long, but I never mind. I'm considering subscribing to their Griz Club to access their entire library of bonus content. I recently became far too invested in their Instagram "Cutest Baby Animal" poll (still crushed that baby Highland Cow won). If you love animals, give it a listen!
This Is Actually Happening
You just never know a person's story until they tell it. As described on the This Is Actually Happening website: "This Is Actually Happening is a weekly podcast featuring the uncanny, extraordinary, true stories of events that have dramatically altered the lives of ordinary people; a son is shot by his own father, a woman's sister develops multiple personalities, a man wakes up in the morgue. These are riveting, moving and often haunting stories that will stick with you long after you listen." Please note: be sure to check content warnings in the notes of each episode before you listen to this deeply touching podcast, especially if you carry personal trauma.
Was I In A Cult?
Cults fascinate me, and Was I In A Cult, a documentary-style podcast, tells the stories of people who have been in and successfully escaped cults. Hosts Tyler Measom and Liz Iacuzzi use levity and info-tainent to humanize the cultic experience. Fascinating and entertaining!
Before I sign off, here's what I've been working on.

Garden-Inspired, Prairie-Reminiscent
Gardens have interested me for a long time, so it's not surprising that my paintings have become more and more garden-y. Here's what I wrote about them on Instagram:
I've been painting them similarly to how I garden: starting with a shadow of a plan, letting things flow, seeing what happens, and sometimes letting the weeds pop up. I love gardens, especially wild ones, but when it comes right down to it, I'm not quite diligent enough to make a 'good gardener.' I enjoy how, If I make a garden wait, it will carry on without me, and the results won't be perfect. I like the imperfection of a wild garden. I like when a plant gets leggy, or I suddenly realize something has self-seeded throughout the entire yard. It's maybe something about how imperfections make the garden a little more inviting and interesting for me when nature takes over.
I've also been painting garden-y things on large pieces of primed watercolour paper (below). There's something different about painting these, and I'm keen to explore them further. Somehow paper makes me bolder with my decisions, risks feel less risky, and the surface is inviting in a way that canvas and panel aren't. More paper paintings to come!
This collection of work started out as a dedicated exploration of wildflowers and morphed into something garden themed. If there is anything I've learned it's that I can't force an agenda in the studio - the creative muse will have what it wants, regardless! At this point, I'm planning a release for late May, so keep your eye out for a newsletter announcement.

Signing off with a picture of B, as usual. He's quite fond of cheese but rather indifferent about podcasts. Happy listening and until next time,
- Jen